New Tech Event for the NE…Loading…

15 October 2018


Well let us tell you…it’s time for a conference. When arranging meetings, you create memorable experiences, there is nothing that can be compared. With a unique atmosphere, a crowd passionate about the same subject, you learn, meet old friends and make new pals. Delegates leave conferences feeling energised and full of new ideas, with a new tote, t-shirt and stickers for the laptop in tow.

So we were thrilled to be asked by experts in the field, Opencast Software, to bring together like-minded talented specialists in the software industry to deliver the first ‘Build IT Right’.

Build IT Right Conference 2019 aims to showcase the very best that the industry has to offer, highlight trends, expand knowledge and inspire delegates.

Here at BeaconHouse Events we have a proven track record delivering a wide range of events regionally and across the UK, including the Northern Powerhouse Business Summit, BIM Show Live and Dynamo North East events, so we are well placed to create an interesting and informative event for professionals in specialist fields.

What is in store?

  • Inspirational keynotes from high-profile speakers. We have secured broadcaster and author Timandra Harkness as compere and gurus Simon Brown,  creator of C4 software architecture model, and founder of Structurizr,  plus Dave Farley the co-author of Continuous Delivery.
  • There’s also a call for papers open currently if you’ve got an idea we’d love to hear about it Submit Here.
  • Delegates will be able to ‘sharpen the saw’. Everyone needs a break from work to hone their skills and advance learning with new tips and tactics.
  • There is the opportunity to meet people FACE to FACE, the room will be full of experts looking to network, maybe you’ll get a selfie with your business idol, you certainly can’t do that online.
  • It will be fun (well-organised fun we promise!)

Who’s going to be there?

Built IT Right welcomes delegates who speak HTML, CSS, SQL, Java, Bash/Shell, Python, C#, PHP and Klingon.  The audience will be made up of Software Developers, Software Testers, UX Design, Agile Practitioners, Solutions Architects, Software Development Manager / Team Leaders / Development Head, plus aspiring software development professionals.

When attending conferences, you sacrifice money and time, so you need to know it’s right for you. If you have an opinion on How to ‘Build IT Right’, this cool-sounding event has cool people going, that you’ll definitely want to meet.

Are you ready to Build IT Right in Newcastle?

Build IT Right
Crowne Plaza, Stephenson Quarter, Newcastle upon Tyne
Thursday 4th April, 2019.