Bring It On 2021: Net Zero North East

Following the success of Bring It On’s virtual programme in 2020, we were contracted to help support Bring It On North East’s 2021 hybrid event. Bring It On encourages students across the North East to pursue a career in Engineering. The event format was hybrid, filmed at a North East college location and live streamed to schools via YouTube on Thursday 4th November. BeaconHouse Events successfully planned and delivered the communications and logistics for the hybrid event. Part of the event delivery was to set up school class visits to various engineering company sites and match up numerous volunteer engineering professionals for a visit into a North East school on the event day. We reached 2,000 students virtually, with many of them engaging with an engineering professional via a site or in-school visit.

Thank you so much for everything, you have been so easy to work with and the quality of what you do has really impressed us all, here is to BIO 2022.
Carol Harrison, Bring It On

BeaconHouse crew were simply awesome, spotting and mitigating every single detail and then reacting when the completely unexpected popped up. You have kept me sane the last few days when things were becoming incomprehensible!
Andrew Stogdale, Spark Tees Valley

IBD Newcastle 2021

After originally scheduled for March 2019, this conference was delivered in a hybrid format in 2021, with a fantastic day programme of conference sessions, networking, exhibition and two social events. BeaconHouse Events managed budgets, ticketing, branding, website, venue liaison, speaker and sponsor management, AV and branding, alongside managing the onsite welcome for virtual and in-person delegation.


A series of online and hybrid events focusing on the challenges and opportunities of the cyber security sector. The month long tech festival featured Hybrid and fully online events to accommodate attendees across the month. BeaconHouse Events delivered this event on behalf of Dynamo North East. Services provided include event marketing, delegate management, sponsorship generation and relationship management, budget management and cost control together with event branding and onsite management.

NBS: The Construction Leaders’ Summit – Building Better

This was the fourth instalment of a series of showcase events for NBS. A virtual conference with keynotes and panel sessions and over 1,000 delegates registered.

Working with their internal events team, BeaconHouse Events helped with the setup, management and speaker and staff training of the online platform. We also managed speaker test calls and running of the online platform throughout the day.

Thanks again for all of your help!
Jennifer Duffy, NBS

Northumbria University Small Business Leadership Online Event

We organised a virtual conference for Northumbria University Small Business Leadership programme participants. With COVID making it impossible for course participants to meet physically we helped our client design and deliver an interactive, engaging and professional virtual conference on zoom.

Our role involved speaker briefings, registration and delegate joining instructions, agenda format, technical running orders, rehearsals, technical production online and attendee support throughout the virtual event.

Just wanted to say thank you for all of your support four our conference yesterday and for helping it to run so smoothly. I’m sure that it would not have been successful without that support. In particular your help for me as host was invaluable … it’s not something I’ve done before or am particularly comfortable with (teaching seems different somehow!), so it was great to know that you had the technical side all sorted! Lots of lessons for our team to learn should we do this again and if we do, I’ve no doubt we’ll be in touch!
John Wales

Thank you so much for helping us to deliver today. Couldn’t have done it without you!
Sarah Stephenson, Programme Manager Small Business Leadership Programme, Northumbria University

Virtual webinars and meetings

We have delivered a whole range of virtual events, meetings & webinars for our clients across multiple platforms.

Services include:

  • Setting up online platform and populating content
  • Briefing speakers
  • Running technical rehearsals and test calls
  • Writing joining instructions for attendees
  • Creating onsite technical running order
  • Managing delivery of the event on the day including running polls, sharing video/slide content, offering technical support, managing breakout rooms, managing participant mics/video, monitoring event chat, capturing event images, providing full recording
  • Video production oversight and management –  writing briefs to produce stings, event video stitching, highlights videos
  • Post event reporting
Thanks for your patience and professionalism. It went soooo smoothly!
Richard Newson, National Children’s Bureau
Many thanks for your support with this. I thought there were some excellent perspectives there today and some really good insight too. Thanks again for all of your help. 
Steven Hugill, Editor, North East Times

Transport North East – Hybrid Workshops

We were contracted to support the hybrid delivery of the Transport North East Bus Project Stakeholder consultation workshops.

Our role involved planning the technical requirements and set up for smooth integration of both physical and virtual speakers and attendees. We also researched and confirmed the venue for the sessions and confirmed all requirements for each day, being mindful of social distancing and ensuring a COVID safe environment. We managed the virtual attendance registration process and facilitated the successful delivery of the sessions on the day managing both the physical and virtual event experience.

Thank you so much for organising everything and for being on hand to keep things running smoothly. We really do appreciate it. As you saw, we were running ourselves into the ground to get it going, so you were a saviour. 

Elizabeth Gilliard
Bus Partnerships Project Lead
Transport North East

Dynamo 21

We work with Dynamo North East to set up, launch, manage and deliver the annual conference. The 2021 conference was planned to be fully virtual to maximise engagement from members across the region and allowed our host Charlie Charlton to present with her newborn in tow! Plenaries were delivered by eConsult CEO Dr Murray Ellender; Amanda Sleight, Commercial Lead (UK) for Amazon Web Services and from conference Headline Partner Sage, Chief Risk Officer, Ben Aunge. Speakers and attendees were able to connect in the comments and during breaks take time to view the Expo booths, and speed network. Recorded content available shortly after the conference for delegates and members to experience all of the content from the day. With over 915 minutes of content, 77 speakers and over 200 attendees, and 10k impressions online it was a fantastic showcase for tech in the region.

“Some really engaging and thought provoking sessions”
“The round table was dynamic and engaging”
2021 Delegates

Let’s Do This! LIVE

Let’s Do This! LIVE was an online event like no other. The antidote to virtual summits where you watch presentations all day and feel overwhelmed. This week long event was designed for ATOMIC members and those interested in joining ATOMIC to make progress with dedicated ‘Makeover’ tracks hosted by experts, with daily and weekly goals. Problem solving rooms to access face-time with pros. Co-working and Networking rooms to take a breather, and the hugely popular Get Unstuck Room with ATOMIC founders Andrew and Pete.

Keynotes included inspirational speakers from across the globe and concluded with television presenter and wheelchair basketball player Ade Adepitan.


We’ve been working with this team now since 2019, and we love them to bits. Whilst mine and Pete’s minds are going a million miles per hour, they are the ones who keep us grounded, calm, and un-frazzled. Making sure everything gets done, and everyone knows what they’re doing.

Andrew Pickering, ATOMIC

Hybrid Business Meeting

BeaconHouse Events were contracted to help in the delivery of an internal meeting for a corporate client, to be held for the first time virtually in 2020. Due to COVID-19 and the global nature of the event, which normally brings together over 60 participants internationally, the client made the decision to host their event virtually. We responded to the brief to deliver ‘not just another zoom’ event; the client wanted an event with impact, that stood out and that engaged their audience.

We hosted what parts of the event we could via a live studio set up in the clients’ offices, lights, camera…action! All whilst simultaneously live streaming the content to the 60 international participants via a platform that responded to the needs of the event – total privacy, faultless security, participant video / audio feed, host support, live and pre-recorded broadcasting functionality and second to none quality. The result was a professional and slick production that enabled international participants to feel part of the event, with record attendance figures.

We worked as part of a team with respective experts in their own field. We project managed the delivery of video production, live studio broadcasting, speaker coaching, remote studio technical assistance, virtual platform management and set up and the comms plan. The event was so successful that not only is the client delighted with the outcome of their first hybrid event, it could be a starting point for determining a change in the delivery of their events going forward.

I just wanted to say thank you to you and the entire team and crew for helping us produce our second hybrid event and delivering such a memorable experience yet again. It looked very slick, professional and ran incredibly smoothly. We were delighted with how it went and we received very positive feedback from those who attended

NIHR Annual Scientific Meeting 2021

The NIHR School for Public Health Research Annual Scientific Meeting 2021 was a two day online conference, featuring plenary talks with Chief Medical Officer and DHSC Chief Scientific Adviser, Professor Chris Whitty, alongside breakouts and virtual poster sessions. 

Thanks for all the organising and everything on the days … I thought it was so well done and I actually got to enjoy the presentations for once!
Laura Fenwick, NIHR School for Public Health Research (SPHR)



Data4Good Festival

The Data4Good Festival showcased more than 70 organisations sharing stories of using data to improve their impact. The first installation with the event was a one day, in person conference, and we were tasked with converting to a three day online event with multiple tracks and 100 speakers. In it’s new format attendance figures were increased from 230 to 485. BeaconHouse Events secured sponsorship and exhibitors, managed the budget, supported the team at DataKind on programme curation and handled all speaker management and delegate support on the online platform. 

Thank you team! You were dynamic, supportive and great!

Giselle Cory, Executive Director, DataKind