The Catalyst: Exhibition Series

We are working with National Innovation Centres for Data and Ageing to curate and install Exhibitions to showcase the building and attract visitors to the displays and associated events, using mixed media and technology such as apps. Building Innovation: The Catalyst showcasing the innovation and collaboration in designing and erecting the building opened in December 2019, Joy, co-created with a group of brilliant women who gave up their time to share their moments, days, weeks and lifetimes of joy. The multimedia exhibition comprises photographic portraits, short film, JOYful artifacts and photographic collages opened in March 2020 with an event to celebrate International Womens Day.

Opencast Company Away Day

We worked with our client Opencast Software to create an engaging company away day for the team. We started the day at Rockliffe Hall, where guests enjoyed breakfast, and received their branded swag bag, including farmers hats and neckties for the activities later on. We worked with the client to ensure the presentation had a professional edge for the formal element of the company meeting. The team was then transported to Hill Top Farm to indulge in a Ploughmans lunch before commencing the ‘Ultimate Farmer Games’, where teams competed in sheep herding, tractor driving and welly wangling. A trip to Wensleydale Creameries was arranged for those not keen to get too muddy! An optional trip to the Black Sheep Brewery Tour and Tap Room was arranged as an evening activity, and the day culminated in a BBQ for all guests. We added extra touches to the event with rosette name badges, branded team mascots for the Farm activities, a life size cut out of a team member who couldn’t join.


Sunderland GP Alliance

We worked with our client Sunderland GP Alliance to deliver an engaging half day conference for all members of the Alliance. We ensured the conference delivered in its objective to cater for both GP and Practice Managers with two concurrent streams. The event opened with a afternoon tea service for delegates and closed with the organisations AGM. Other services included venue administration, marketing and print production, AV management delegate management and communications alongside speaker liaison and onsite delivery.

“It was very useful and raised lots of questions and challenges”
SGPA Delegate



A series of events covering the North East during September 2019. More than 150 delegates attended the flagship event of this year’s #CyberFest. The day-long event was held at Newcastle University’s Urban Sciences Building as part of the month-long #CyberFest, which is focusing on the challenges and opportunities of the cyber security sector. Further sessions as part of the festival were held in Durham, Newcastle, Teeside University, Wynyard, Northumbria University, Alnwick Castle and Sunderland University. BeaconHouse Events delivered this event on behalf of Dynamo North East. Services provided include event marketing, delegate management, sponsorship generation and relationship management, budget management and cost control together with event branding and onsite management.


RETAIN Live welcomed 160 international delegates to NewcastleGateshead for a two day conference. BeaconHouse worked with the RETAIN Live team to manage and deliver onsite support, arrange a speakers dinner, a walking tour for international guests and a social event at Lane 7. We managed suppliers including branding and signage, plus the innovative break catering of fresh ice cream from a vintage push bike. We procured bespoke gifts for each of the 12 speakers, a customised ‘bobblehead’, that were extremely well received. Onsite we supported at registration, venue liaison and took on the stage management role.

Convention of the North with NP11

Working with our client NP11, we delivered a major event supported by Government to shape and set out the North’s vision and priorities. The event was compared by broadcaster Steph McGovern, and featured speeches from Nick Forbes, Roger Marsh, Ruth Nic Aoidh (McLaren Group) and Simone Roche (Northern Power Women). There was a keynote address from the Prime Minister. BeaconHouse Events managed event logistics including venue liaison, AV management, registration management, speaker procurement and management, dressing and branding along with on-site delivery. The event also featured an exhibition, lunchtime fringe sessions, and six policy paper workshops.

It was a highly complex event, under extreme time pressures and involving multiple competing (at times) interests, and you and your team did an outstanding job of delivering a really great day. The buzz about the event on social media was really positive and everyone that I spoke to on the day and afterwards was very complimentary. Well done!
Racheal Johnson | Head of Corporate Communications and Engagement
West Yorkshire Combined Authority | Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership (the LEP)


We worked alongside the AkzoNobel team to deliver an informative and memorable experience to their international customers. Starting with a tour of the new facilities at Felling, day one culminated in a dinner at Sage Gateshead with stunning views. Day two included subject specialist workshops in the Crowne Plaza. The programme allowed a snapshot of  the region for the international guests, and a showcase of the state-of-the-art facilities reinforced AkzoNobel’s position at the forefront of the coatings industry for their customers.

“Thanks to you and Katie for all your hard work last week and over the past few weeks helping put this together. We couldn’t have done it without you!”

Chris Hoy, AkzoNobel

Building Animation Project

The purpose of this project was to research and develop a pipeline of potential exhibitions, talks, events, symposiums and displays to take place within The Catalyst, the new home of the National Innovation Centres for Data and Ageing that opens on the Newcastle Helix site in December 2019.


The overall aim of this piece of work was to support the mission of the National Innovation Centres to make the work of the Centres visible, showcasing innovation relevant to people’s lives – no longer is innovation to take place behind closed doors. Innovation should be engaging, innovative and public in nature.

The intention is to use the facilities and spaces within the building to introduce the two Centres to a diverse audience both public and professional, encourage fellow innovators to the building, promote the aims, purpose and activities of the two Centres, and stimulate a wider debate on what it means to age well, for longer.


We worked with two other consultants to devise a 2-year programme based on a series of 4 month themed exhibitions. Each theme would include core exhibition elements to engage the public, as well as a series of fringe activities, events and workshops to complement the theme.

“It’s been great working with you. You have really opened our eyes to what’s out there, which has been invaluable.”
Angela Craggs, National Innovation Centre for Data

“I just wanted to say thank you for the work you have done on the report and presentation.  It’s been lovely working with you.”
Sarah Nolan, National Innovation Centre for Ageing 




BeaconHouse supported Andrew & Pete with on-site delivery for their inaugural sold out conference in Newcastle. Atomicon was a roaring success and we’ve been contracted to deliver event management services for their much larger 2020 conference to be hosted at Sage Gateshead. With us taking care of organisation, it allows the client to dream up the fun elements that make ATOMICON so special. Watch out for the hype RE ATOMICON 2020!

BIM Show Live & BIM Awards

After BIM Show Live’s triumphant return to the North East in 2017 and 2018 BeaconHouse Events were asked again to manage and deliver the event. BIM Show Live is one of the most trusted information-sharing platforms for Building Information Modelling (BIM).  The event was a hugely popular, with almost 400 national and international delegates and a popular BIM Inspiration Day held for 7 classes from across the North East. The event featured keynotes, panels and interactive seminar sessions and a bustling Exhibition Hall to keep delegates engaged across two days. The Bavarian themed BIM Awards, with Oompah Band had everyone in the Bierkeller spirit. BeaconHouse Events have been contracted for BIM Show Live and BIM Awards 2020.

“The BeaconHouse Events team can literally take any brief, and make the magic happen! I trust these girls with all my BIM Show Live events now for the international digital construction crowd.”
Rob Charlton, Space Group 

Dentsu Aegis: Make Disruption Pay

North East business leaders were gathered to listen to global digital businesses divulge how they are achieving growth in the evolving digital economy. Make Disruption Pay was the latest in a series of events hosted by Dentsu Aegis Network to educate and inform firms on shaping their digital strategy. BeaconHouse Events were asked to support delivery on the Newcastle event hosted in the Classic Auditorium in Tyneside Cinema. With an exciting programme featuring speakers from Spotify and Snapchat, we worked with the team to ensure the venue was set up to accommodate. We sourced an innovative AV solution from Ingram AV to compliment the engaging content on stage.

Sunderland GPA

We worked with our client Sunderland GP Alliance to deliver an engaging half day conference for all members of the Alliance. We ensured the conference delivered in its objective to listen to the thoughts and opinions of the GP’s, nurses and other staff in general practice around how they saw their role developing in Primary Care by using technology within the facilitated sessions. Other services included venue administration, marketing and print production, delegate management and communications alongside speaker liaison and onsite delivery.

“Much better than flipcharts. Slido provided much more interaction”
“Very well organised event”
Delegates Feedback