Let’s Do This! LIVE

Let’s Do This! LIVE was an online event like no other. The antidote to virtual summits where you watch presentations all day and feel overwhelmed. This week long event was designed for ATOMIC members and those interested in joining ATOMIC to make progress with dedicated ‘Makeover’ tracks hosted by experts, with daily and weekly goals. Problem solving rooms to access face-time with pros. Co-working and Networking rooms to take a breather, and the hugely popular Get Unstuck Room with ATOMIC founders Andrew and Pete.

Keynotes included inspirational speakers from across the globe and concluded with television presenter and wheelchair basketball player Ade Adepitan.


We’ve been working with this team now since 2019, and we love them to bits. Whilst mine and Pete’s minds are going a million miles per hour, they are the ones who keep us grounded, calm, and un-frazzled. Making sure everything gets done, and everyone knows what they’re doing.

Andrew Pickering, ATOMIC


A series of online events focusing on the challenges and opportunities of the cyber security sector. The month long tech festival was pivoted to online in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, but also allowed the event to grow accommodating more guests than in previous years. BeaconHouse Events delivered this event on behalf of Dynamo North East. Services provided include event marketing, delegate management, sponsorship generation and relationship management, budget management and cost control together with event branding and onsite management.


“Great content and delivered excellently”
2020 Delegate

Tees Valley Business Club Online Networking

Tees Valley Business Club (TVBC) is a vibrant, modern business club with 45 years’ experience of helping businesses grow. When the COVID-19 pandemic meant the club couldn’t hold their regular member events we were delighted to be asked to help TVBC deliver a virtual solution. Typically each event consists of topical guest speakers followed by networking, to offer consistency to the network we wanted to stick as closely to the tried and tested format as possible.

We worked up a virtual solution and since April 2020 we have been delivering a range of services for the TVBC virtual event series including; pre-event briefing meetings, set up, schedule and share the online link for the virtual event platform (password protected), prepare comprehensive speaker briefing notes and hosted technical rehearsals, online (onsite) administration and hosting with community managers to manage the online waiting room, management of breakout rooms (allocation of guests to rooms and technical assistance, schedule management, audio and visual control and to ‘spot light’ key content and enhance user-experience and keep track of chat function to offer real-time event support and assistance and record each event for legacy purposes. Post event services include, sharing images of the online events, a log of attended registered guests and preparation of transcripts of the chat function to record questions asked and answered.

Thank you for your positive engagement support and encouragement whilst moving TVBC online. You have been instrumental in the success of the events.
We thank you.
Jane Reynolds, Tees Valley Business Club

ATOMICON: Online Conference

We worked with Andrew & Pete to quickly adapt the one day conference, destined to fill Sage Gateshead, to an online spectacular, with a month of online fringe events running up to the main conference date. Managing speakers, sponsors and delegates we were able to ensure the community were delivered all the content, all the networking opportunities, and all the fun of a traditional IRL conference. A private facebook group suited the membership organisation well, and meant we had a whole range of flexibility on the streaming capacity and attendees were able to engage with the content, speakers and each other. In particular ‘Table Discussions’ allowed attendees to informally network with those with similar interests.  Keynotes were delivered from Andrew and Pete, Mari Smith and Drew Davis and averaged 1.1k comments from attendees each. 785 international delegates meant the day ran from 10am – 7pm to suit all time-zones and there was a wealth of content (37 Fringe Sessions, 3 Keynotes and 18 Speaker Sessions!) that attendees could re-watch at a later date.

These guys rock. I’ve lost of the count of the amount of times I’ve asked Sophie something, and she’s already pre-thought and sorted it. Our sanity levels have been kept at a manageable (lol) level because we know these guys have the operations under control. 

Andrew Pickering, Andrew & Pete

Opencast Company Conference

We worked with our client Opencast Software to formalise their quarterly meetings as their team is growing significantly. Support included venue liaison, audio visual management, speaker and programme curation, branding and supplier management. BeaconHouse will be working on the series of Opencast Company Conferences moving forward.

Opencast Company Away Day

We worked with our client Opencast Software to create an engaging company away day for the team. We started the day at Rockliffe Hall, where guests enjoyed breakfast, and received their branded swag bag, including farmers hats and neckties for the activities later on. We worked with the client to ensure the presentation had a professional edge for the formal element of the company meeting. The team was then transported to Hill Top Farm to indulge in a Ploughmans lunch before commencing the ‘Ultimate Farmer Games’, where teams competed in sheep herding, tractor driving and welly wangling. A trip to Wensleydale Creameries was arranged for those not keen to get too muddy! An optional trip to the Black Sheep Brewery Tour and Tap Room was arranged as an evening activity, and the day culminated in a BBQ for all guests. We added extra touches to the event with rosette name badges, branded team mascots for the Farm activities, a life size cut out of a team member who couldn’t join.


Sunderland GP Alliance

We worked with our client Sunderland GP Alliance to deliver an engaging half day conference for all members of the Alliance. We ensured the conference delivered in its objective to cater for both GP and Practice Managers with two concurrent streams. The event opened with a afternoon tea service for delegates and closed with the organisations AGM. Other services included venue administration, marketing and print production, AV management delegate management and communications alongside speaker liaison and onsite delivery.

“It was very useful and raised lots of questions and challenges”
SGPA Delegate



A series of events covering the North East during September 2019. More than 150 delegates attended the flagship event of this year’s #CyberFest. The day-long event was held at Newcastle University’s Urban Sciences Building as part of the month-long #CyberFest, which is focusing on the challenges and opportunities of the cyber security sector. Further sessions as part of the festival were held in Durham, Newcastle, Teeside University, Wynyard, Northumbria University, Alnwick Castle and Sunderland University. BeaconHouse Events delivered this event on behalf of Dynamo North East. Services provided include event marketing, delegate management, sponsorship generation and relationship management, budget management and cost control together with event branding and onsite management.


RETAIN Live welcomed 160 international delegates to NewcastleGateshead for a two day conference. BeaconHouse worked with the RETAIN Live team to manage and deliver onsite support, arrange a speakers dinner, a walking tour for international guests and a social event at Lane 7. We managed suppliers including branding and signage, plus the innovative break catering of fresh ice cream from a vintage push bike. We procured bespoke gifts for each of the 12 speakers, a customised ‘bobblehead’, that were extremely well received. Onsite we supported at registration, venue liaison and took on the stage management role.

Build IT Right 2019

Build IT Right inaugural conference for all software professionals in the North East. #BITRConf delivered a thought provoking event to over 200 delegates. BeaconHouse Events worked with the conference committee to deliver the conference from concept to delivery. The one day event, had a packed schedule with three keynote speeches from Dave Farley, Timandra Harkness and Simon Brown, alongside 24 speakers across four parallel tracks, plus a panel session and lightning talks.

“Well-organised, interesting and thought-provoking content and ideas, and no travel approval required to attend!”
“The quality of the keynote talks were surprising and gave me a lot to think about. The running of the event was spot on, plenty of time to navigate between sessions and unwind slightly before the next one.”
“Nice atmosphere, well ran and everything went very smoothly. I had no trouble finding where I needed to be. Interesting range of talks.”
2019 Delegates


BeaconHouse supported Andrew & Pete with on-site delivery for their inaugural sold out conference in Newcastle. Atomicon was a roaring success and we’ve been contracted to deliver event management services for their much larger 2020 conference to be hosted at Sage Gateshead. With us taking care of organisation, it allows the client to dream up the fun elements that make ATOMICON so special. Watch out for the hype RE ATOMICON 2020!

Dynamo Dinner

Now in its fifth year, the Dynamo Dinner has become a popular fixture in the North East calendar. With over 100 guests in attendance, it was the perfect opportunity to network with peers, share great conversation and hear about the exciting developments within the North East’s IT Industry. We were delighted to welcome our guest speaker, Bruce Daisly, European Vice-President for Twitter. This year’s exclusive member’s dinner took place at BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art where we enjoyed a delicious three course meal and wine. A fantastic night and we are already looking forward to next year!

Thanks. As Ever. Great event. Seemed to go down very well with the audience judging by how many stayed, stood and chatted. Thanks gals!

Charlie Hoult, Chair, Dynamo North East